Make yourself a complete research before hormone treatment

As is known, the endocrine system of each one of us represents a “hormonal skeleton” of our organism. When all the glands that produce hormones, regardless of where they are located, are closely interlinked. They provide all the most important functions-both from a physical and emotional nature.

From the normal operation of these glands depend on our mental abilities, and our general condition, and our external appearance and mood, and proper digestion and sleep, etc.

And when for some reason the body hormonal meltdown occurs, in which the production of hormones violates, human is assigned the corresponding treatment.

A deficiency of hormones is particularly dangerous in situations where the woman dreams of motherhood, but unfortunately the shortage of female hormone estrogen can prevent her to become a mother. In those cases where the pregnancy does not occur, it is necessary to an endocrinologist.

In other cases, the woman is appointed the hormones that stimulate the maturation of ova. Hormonal therapy can prevent or reduce the danger to miscarriage.

Of course, before you can trust the hormonal therapy should try more simple methods able to intensify the work of endocrine glands. Fully functional collapse is likely to be negligible. Sometimes it’s enough to lose nutrition, to be active physically, to spend more time in the fresh air, etc. i.e. to lead a healthy lifestyle. And last but not least: it is necessary to preserve the tranquility, because fatigue and chronic stresses half the lower likelihood of conception. Because these factors affect negatively on the work of the adrenal glands. And they, in turn, are starting to produce the wrong hormones for maturation of the ovum.

Be careful with hormonal contraceptives

Will mention and for that category of women who use hormone therapy for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. They are often appointed and in case of gynecological problems such as ovarian dysfunction, lack of menstruation, etc.

But the prolonged intake of such drugs can “unlearn” the body from a private business. As a result, he may cease to produce the necessary hormones in the required quantities. And this leads to aging. If you start taking out one or another type of contraception, it can serve as a reason for the occurrence of serious gynecological problems, incl. and such a conception.

“hits” on the bones, kidneys and stomach

Nowadays, the situation is different now. According to data from foreign studies the primary  is considered third in frequency disease of the endocrine system-ranks in diseases of the thyroid and diabetes.

Primary  is a disease associated with excess production of hormones from parathyroid glands.

In fact for this disease knew long ago, but they thought they were rare, so very small circle of practitioners are actually dealt with the diagnosis and treatment. more seriously and more widely for this problem started a couple of years ago, when medics turned attention to other disease-osteoporosis. Conducting mass surveys of adult women, often suffering from fragile bones and bone thinning, doctors turned their attention to the following: when part of them without wit and judgment increased level of calcium in the blood. Which meant that their bones should be healthy, we know that the level of calcium is a guarantee of this. But it turned out that everything is not so simple.

Separate redundant quantity of so-called. parathion levels which “undermines” bone Exchange

In principle, each of us from birth taking place two transverse natural process –  and First, there is a balance between them. In women the highest peak of bone mass is 20-22 years of age, for men-22-24 years. Then begins a gradual and slow decrease bone density. When this happens, the person not tested evenly particular problems. But if you give any breakdown, everything is broken, straight runs. In the literal sense of the word. Then at least the fall, even an awkward movement and leads to severe trauma.

To such a development causes increased production of so-called. parathyroid hormone (parathion levels). It is produced by the thyroid gland located behind the parathyroid glands. They are responsible for the regulation of phosphorus and calcium Exchange in our organism. The outcome is sad: the excessive excretion of parathormona sharp “undermines” the bone metabolism. And above all-the process of destruction of the bones. As a result, the blood “blurs” a lot of calcium. This is the primary marker of disease and provocateur of other problems.

30 percent of patients with kidney failure also suffer

 glands have hormones and other organs-targets except bone tissue: the stomach, intestines and kidneys. When severe, the classical form of sufferer man gets ulcers in the stomach or duodenum. This is because production is strengthened of hydrochloric acid. And also kidney stones because of excess calcium in the blood and urine.

The specialists distinguished two forms of the disease: primary due to the tumor (usually benign)  the gland increases its size; secondary-when the source of the disease is a disorder in someone body. Most often in the kidneys. 30 percent of patients with kidney failure have problems with parathyroid gland. She began to work actively, thus compensating for the shortage of specific renal enzyme. It is necessary for the normal action of the vitamin D and adjust amount of calcium in the body. When the sick person anyway pass on dialysis, then secondary  developed in 50 percent of cases.

A serious complication of disease is infection of the cysts

-x-ray examination;
-computer tomography;
magnetic resonance imaging.

A serious complication of disease is infection of the cysts, which may end with the surgical removal of the kidney. Treatment is limited to therapy of complications:

-elevated blood pressure;
-chronic renal failure.

Significantly more common are acquired cysts, which are usually asymptomatic. The size is from 1 to 3 cm long and are located on the surface of the kidney. They receive after a kidney infection-nephritis, renal tuberculosis, sclerotic processes. The reason for their formation can be a pathological process in the field of rolling cups, such as stone and subsequent extension as a consequence of the inflammatory process. There are also so-called. mufti Chamber cysts, which are usually unilateral and in sizes from 2 to 4-5 cm. Have asymptomatic course and not be subject to treatment.

Specific treatment for cysts in the kidneys won’t. Nonoperative method is only with vacuum equipment (suction) with the appropriate equipment. It should be emphasized that very often, this method does not liquidate the cyst forever-after time again fluid collects. In this connection, more of the opinions are that small cysts should not be manipulated. With advanced kidney failure dialysis treatment is applied. For the control of elevated blood pressure are used antipersonnel medicines and treatment of infection of the urinary tract. In testimony and in appropriate cases performed a kidney transplant. The prognosis is serious.

In the kidneys, and can form a single cyst filled with clear fluid or blood. When the cyst grow, it triggers a lumbar dull pain. Usually treated with surgical removal. Weather forecast the unit renal cyst is good.

The big problems of little need

Urination disorders-with this problem sooner or later faced by most men. And this is the most common reason for seeking help from a urologist. Age is directly proportional to the incidence of these disorders. According to research, almost half (48%) of the men face this problem after 50 years, to the 80th year of impaired urination suffer nine out of ten representatives of the male gender.

Or, as it is called, hyperplasia of the prostate gland. The main function of this gland consists in elaborating innards, entering in the composition of the semen. The prostate gland is located above the bladder and around the urethra, which expels urine from the body. With age, under the influence of hormonal changes taking place in the body, the central part of the prostate gland grows, enlarges its size. The increased body press against the urethra and impedes urination.

Poisons the lives of deprivation the men

Trying to avoid the frequent walking to the restroom, men shall be limited in the use of liquids, especially before bedtime or before a long trip. Men suffering from impaired urination, recognize that the two hours in a row behind the wheel is the maximum you can afford. A habitual traffic jam, which is uncomfortable, put in the inability to go to pee.

Disturbed sleep-another unpleasant consequence of problems with urination: frequent  to the bathroom and the sensation of  emptied bladder. Sufferers of these disorders men recognize and claim that for them is extremely important to always have in sight the availability of toilet. It even turns into obsession. Lowers is activity in every respect. They could not safely deal with sports, not able to visit the theater, etc. According to the current statistics, the disorder of urinating in them violates at least one of their daily activities.

The treatment is drug

Only in 20 percent of patients having surgery. If you have noticed in myself though and one of the described symptoms, not bothering to consult a urologist or to consult with a specialist even on the phone.

According to the results of the tests the doctor appointed treatment: medically or surgically. Many advanced balance between medically assisted therapy, which in turn reduce the number of patients who undergo surgery. In the United States by the prostate adenoma is operating not more than 20 percent of patients.

Nobody is insured from diabetes

The reasons for the occurrence of diabetes are so diverse that it no one is insured. It remains only to minimize the factors influencing its development. Need hard obesity to fight excess weight. In such diseases such as pancreatitis, cancer of the gastric gland and some disturbances in the operation of other glands with internal secretion is also possible to develop diabetes. And even viral infections-smallpox, hepatitis and some other diseases, including the flu, can play its role as starting mechanism for people from risk groups.

These people should avoid the neurological and emotional tension. And with the age of ten years twice increases the likelihood of the disease of diabetes.

On this page we will answer your emails on this topic with the help of our consultants.

The disease often is unlocked during pregnancy
I have five years already I’m diabetic. And my mother, and my sister suffer from the same disease. I found the diabetes five months after I got pregnant. But I was born a normal baby. The father is healthy. Please answer me what is the likelihood that my son getting sick from diabetes? And can anything be done to prevent this terrible disease?

There is no accurate statistics about whether the child inherits the diabetes by the father or the mother ‘s. This issue has been studied and is not clear.

Should not forget about the diabetes pregnant. This is a specific group of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. In this case, namely pregnancy provokes the increase of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. After birth the woman practically heals, and her child can be absolutely tight.

But to you, with a view to the genetic predisposition, things are a bit different. So we have to take measures. Visit an endocrinologist to give you clear and precise recommendations for the prevention of diabetes, as well as instruction on proper nutrition for the child.

It is necessary, once a half year to measure the level of sugar in the blood and to restrict the use of  carbohydrates.

Every fifth child suffers from dyslexia

What is common between Einstein, Prince Charles, Galileo , Tom Cruise or between Cher and 15% of children today? That all suffer from dyslexia, resulting in difficulties in mastering reading and writing, as well as the reproduction of the text. Dozens of celebrities from different fields have these disorders. Among them were Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Faraday, Churchill, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush, Henry Ford, Agatha Christie, writers F. Scott Fitzgerald, Hans Christian Andersen, Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne, majestic Mozart, Beethoven, Leonardo , Picasso, Walt Disney, born, Flaubert, Fred Astaire, Harry , as well as popular today, Caruso, Goldberg, Jay Leno, John Lennon, Robin Williams, Steven Spielberg, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson, Sylvester Stallone, Anthony Hopkins, Orlando Bloom, athlete Magic Johnson, Carl Lewis.


My parents considered shameful and obscene assumption that their child can be affected by dyslexia (dysfunction), and the truth is that it suffers every fifth kid.

Most children go to school, enthusiastic, excited, eager to learn, but after a year or two, some of them begin to experience dissatisfaction with the results achieved, to feel unhappy, complaining of headache or stomach pains, to exhibit symptoms of stress, and problems arise with the behavior or their social adaptation.

It is very likely that the reason for such a troubling condition is the development of dyslexia.

It is not the result of mental or neurological damage,

scientists have proved. Dyslexia is a product of a particular way of thinking and leads to problems with absorption of writing, reading and math, in communication with other people in social coordination. The cause of dyslexia is that kids see the letters stirred and turned back that becomes a reason to acquire educational material slowly or with difficulty.

“At the same time, research shows that children with dyslexia have a higher level of intelligence than the average, but their development is failing in the bud. About 15 percent of today’s children have similar problems, and that percentage is growing. They are extremely sensitive to the environment. More curious than usual and they think, using images instead of words. Often receive Visual stress and overload in reading and memorization of the read. Have difficulty writing, and teachers don’t understand their work. The difficulty appears oral expression, “Stella told” , author of unique for the Bulgarian system for correcting problems with reading and writing, based on practices.The expert has a certificate, awarded by the international who’s who of intellectuals “, Cambridge, England, in recognition of distinguished achievements.

In the leakage of urine after stress

Some young women, when coughing, laughing, or flee, occurs involuntarily slight leakage of urine. You may have only one or two drops, but really unpleasant. You did this happen:

-leg and cross it over before I sneeze or laugh and. .. A study conducted in the medical school of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, established that if in this condition the woman simply fold his legs, this unpleasant phenomenon is observed nine-and-a-half times more rare;

-make exercise “tightness in the hips.” It helps to strengthen muscles that “fit” for urinating. Reach the muscles of the hips and hold it for 5 seconds. Gradually increase the reps to 20 and hold for 10 seconds. Only after 6-7 weeks, everything will be fine.

When hemorrhoids

Freeze a wet napkin in the fridge and set it for 10 minutes on a sore spot. Repeat several times as required for pain-so for 24 hours. And vaginal dryness, itching or irritation, use lubricants.

You can apply and water-soluble resource during sexual intercourse. Never use oil gel, because he long remained in the vagina, resulting in him can be formed bacteria and cause infections. Regularly add lubricant to a feeling of discomfort. If you experience dryness or irritation does not pass, contact your doctor.

Emotions, emotions …

If you are angry, try to speak slowly and calmly. Studies show that if you talk fast and loud, it begins to “bounce your blood.”

The feeling of guilt

Why do women feel a sense of guilt? To stop to feel chronically guilty:

don’t think that you are able to fulfill all the requirements of the surrounding. It’s a huge load and you are constantly feeling the burden of guilt, when you are not able to deal with anything;

-determine your actual possibilities. Do not allow the people to expect from you more than you can give them. Please try to correct their mistakes. If it is difficult, then don’t take everything to heart. ”

When alarm

Squeeze his hands into fists and hold them for five seconds. Open it and you will feel how the tension goes away. Continue to strain muscles in the following order: the hands, the face, the shoulders, then the abdomen, hips, thighs, ankles and feet. When his feet, the pressure will come out of your body.
In a stuffy nose

A lot of suffering has helped method of practice yoga-Nerti. The essence is simple-rinse your nose with salt water. Attention! At first, until I master this method most likely to cough and spit. See how it’s done:

-dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Fill your hands with this collected water, and maybe in a small cup;

-Press one nostril with your finger and dip into the solution and inhale. Or you can use a dropper and drip from the solution in your nostril. During this time, the other must remain pressed. Inhale until filled your mouth, then spit;
perform the same procedure with the other nostril;

-wash so his nose three times, then carefully put a little Boogie;

-You can afford no more than four such washes a day. And so, while away your sinuses.

Temporarily not eat dairy products: the proteins stimulate the formation of mucus and cold is strengthened even further.

Alcohol and heavy meals lead to gout

Gout is caused by the deposition of salts of uric acid in the joints. This acid is a product of the breakdown of purines. Normally she leaves the body through the urine, but when patients predisposed to gout, uric acid, sneaking in blood. Some of these people gets saturated solution of acid and it crystallized as these crystals can be found in the joints, kidneys, skin, the walls of the vessels and other places.
It is a disease of the metabolism and in particular of purines. Most gout is associated with  arthritis that usually affects one joint. The disease most commonly affects the joint of the big toe, which connects it with the foot (metatarsi-metalanguage becomes). It swells, browned and is highly painful.

The most commonly affected middle-aged men. Ten men suffers 1 woman, as after menopause the ratio between the sexes is evens.

There are two types of gout:

The primary, which is a hereditary disease caused by an abnormality in the x chromosome, which leads to conversion of nucleic acids in uric acid. In this case, the body cannot throw fast enough continuous increasing amounts of uric acid and it accumulates in the body.
Secondary due to other diseases or medications (diuretics, aspirin, etc.). In these cases, the kidneys may not quickly enough to devote increasing amounts of uric acid.

What is recognizable disease

Usually before the onset of symptoms of gout has asymptomatic period of several years in which the concentration of uric acid is gradually growing. About 95 percent of those people never get sick.

The first crisis: it is usually at night. The wakes of quell pain, and joint of the thumb (may be affected and another becomes) is swollen, strongly reddened. Even the smallest movements and contacts, such as touch of the sheet, increasing it even more. Raises the temperature. The patient is highly aroused and easily startled. The first crisis usually passes for about a week.
The second crisis: at about 10 percent of the people in the second attack never appears again, with the other patients, however, crises are becoming more frequent, painful and lengthy, if not be treated. Early treatment prevents permanent damage to the joint. If the increased amount of uric acid is left untreated, the skin accumulate crystals of it in the form of small lumps called  They can be seen around the joints and in the cochlea, tendons, elbow, bones, vessels, valves of the heart, the brain, in the ocular structures. Sometimes the rupture and visible powder yellowish matter.

When the risk is particularly high

The risk of gout is greatest in people  with alcohol, especially beer.
-Eating foods rich in protein and purine-rich (liver, kidneys, sardines, anchovies).
-Bleeding from the digestive tract.
Severe surgical intervention.
-Diseases associated with high level of cellular destruction-leukemia, leucosis, psoriasis.

How to put the diagnosis

There are several ways to determine the symptoms that can be diagnosed gout. And they are:

-Blood samples showing the elevations of uric acid in the blood.

X-ray study of the joint and examination of nontrivial fluid, which is located in the joints.

Is it possible that a complete cure

The prognosis when gout is relatively good. In the treatment with medication sufferers have the same life expectancy as well as healthy. It can reduce the occurrence of kidney and other complications.

In about 60 percent of people who have had a crisis, relapse is expected within the next one year. The disease can be exacerbated by form kidney stones.

Through the current treatment is quite easy to treat gout.

Take a peak over this bad emotion

I am the master of fate and emotions, where will allow someone else to control my mood?

In the end she is yours and only yours. You yourself decide when to “turn off” to reject it. Sometimes the simple way – helping to unlock myself one very simple principle. Remember what it means self-esteem and pride and say it clearly state: “where will allow someone else to control my mood?”. On this topic is very well expressed the Indian Sage Otho-what is it: some pressure a button and we are p″čim from pride, but then pushing another button, then shrinking, descent and diminish. It’s nice to control and manage? Sometimes just the Act is able to cause a firm belief in man, that “I only I am the master of my fate and their emotions. I’m not going to succumb to provocations outside “.

It is enough to learn a simple life rule and turn it into its own slogan in your life, then your life will seem much more comfortable and relaxed. Tell yourself: “nobody with nothing is required. Not one person in this world. I provide my own happiness and success. ”

When trying to transfer all the blame for our fate on others when we go too far and quite often superfluous claims to the people, then we have “we” comfortable for us epithets. And then we wonder why our beliefs differ with the images of others, while at the same time we come up with these images. And then begin to insult everybody, everything. For example, if the husband and the wife does not love, they don’t respect your child. And we are trying to put the other side in a convenient only for us model-being exclusively in our chapter. This at least is short sighted and selfish.

You may ask what to do when you try to insult you, you trigger negative emotions designed to peep with you or let you motherfuckers. Sometimes the best way to deal with such behavior-it is ignorance. Just say: “I don’t want to have feelings of that person, did not want him to” snap your fingers “and I buy it. I’m the master himself and Sam will control their feelings, not to execute or to lead a whim. ”

If a little workout, will soon stop paying attention to “insults” inasmuch as they are, and even if they are. Do not react at all cost hang on like past your ears has passed wind or Tweet of bird.

It is no secret to anyone that the constant feeling of resentment over time leads to self-pity. But you want as all other people to be confident and positive thinking person? So throw away all unnecessary and allow the opulence to be a free man. And don’t forget the basic-try it yourself as often to insult others. They will surely repay with gratitude, be confident in that.

10 useful Tips For The Flu And Colds

With the advent of the cold more and more people are suffering from acute respiratory diseases known to humans as the common cold. How to stop the emergence and development of the disease? The symptoms are familiar to all: joint pain, stuffy nose, sore throat, watery eyes, runny nose and malaise of the body. But the common cold can be stopped even at the outset, if you know how.

The common cold is caused by different viruses, as well as the weakening of the immunity in the body. That’s why he’s never been created even a single vaccine against colds.

Special medications for treating fever does not exist. More precisely, preparations against colds, there are many, but they all act in the same way: lower the temperature with medication such as paracetamol and other similar and boosting the immune system with vitamin c. so why poison your body chemistry, if you can heal with no less efficient means to recover faster?

The treatment of fever, at first glance, it looks very simple, but in practice it is not. The first thing you need to understand in the treatment of the common cold, is that while the virus is in your body, there’s no way to recover faster. The main challenge in combating common diseases is to help your immune system to cope with the disease. And if in time to take the necessary actions,  disease can be stopped at the outset by not allowing the disease to develop in full force.

Here are some simple tips on how to deal with the disease as quickly as possible.

-As soon as you feel the first symptoms of a cold, stay at home for a few days. At the beginning of the disease, your body needs a complete rest and restful sleep.

-It is very important that when the first symptoms of the disease to strengthen your immune system, and for this purpose will help you and homeopathy.

-In the treatment of cold is very important to drink warm liquids. Most relevant in this case are the tea with lemon and honey, as well as Cranberry fruit drinks. Very useful is the tea of Chamomile, as it possesses antiseptic properties.

-Treatment with Aromatherapy helps in the initial stages of the development of the common cold. Most efficient in this case are the essential oils of eucalyptus, camphor and Bertram.

-Do not forget to rinse your sinuses with saline solution: half a teaspoon per cup of warm boiled water. Repeat this procedure at least 3-4 times a day. After every washing of the nose nose drops containing interferon. It is also important to be doing and gargle in the throat to prevent the spread of infection down. Use the  of eucalyptus or Chamomile.

-The hot tub is the perfect solution, but only at the beginning of the disease and in the absence of fever. Add sea salt and water pine extract. Salt has a toning effect and extract will help you breathe easier.

-Ventilate the room regularly. The fresh air will help you deal with the cold. While ventilate the room, leave the room.

-Don’t forget to keep your feet warm, even if you have a fever.

-Try to eat properly: very useful for colds is the chicken and the fish broth, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. If you are experiencing pain in throat, hard to swallow and you have no appetite, drink fruit juice.

Well, of course, don’t forget about vitamin c during the colds he literally “eats” the virus and therefore it is very important to fill out daily stock of this valuable vitamin. Contained in Grapefruits, lemons and oranges.

Fighting colds increases the need for b vitamins. many of them are contained in the nuts.

The common cold is an unpleasant illness, but not so seriously that head to the doctor’s Office. In most cases, we decide to deal with it with their own forces. What we know about the flu, however, often is wrong and while wasting their efforts in vain, the disease is dragging on and ends with complications.